Along with the new outfits, there are a few added hairstyles and face paints such as stars and lightning that complete the stuff pack's visual style. The layered, messy appearance of the grunge outfits and 80s workout attire are the standouts among the included clothing items. All of the included clothing items are highly polished in both their models and textures and allow for further editing of their colors and patterns for complete user customization. Most of the outfits are found in the everyday category, along with a few others such as some workout clothing items. If your game freezes for a second, don’t panic - that’s just the mod working! It will take a minute or two to refresh everything, but then your save will be nice and clean.In terms of clothing, an array of new tops and bottoms are included that vary from the iconic 80s legwarmers and leotard workout combination to bell-bottoms and platform shoes for those nightly visits to the disco.

This is essentially the same thing as resetting a Sim. If you’ve already played in one save for a long time, you can also perform a total reset on your town. There are so, so many settings that you can customize, but some notable additions include stopping autonomous pet adoption, enabling testingcheats automatically, turning off stereos and TVs, and disabling full moon lighting - note, though, that this only disables the lighting effects, not zombies you’ll need Retuner for that. These cleanups can reduce lag and stuttering and take care of broken game elements that could otherwise lead to corruption over time. Overwatch lets you change so, so many settings in the game, but the best feature is the daily cleanup. Any NRAAS mod is arguably a must-have for Sims 3 players, but Overwatch is a great place to start.