Finally we are stuck with unresolved symbols mostly from asm functions and special peripheral registers declared in "extra_peripheral_definitions.h" from toolkit folder. With lot of efforts, file edits we could compile the code in CCS. Part Number: MSP430F67641A Tool/software: Code Composer Studio Hello, We are developing a product based on MSP430F67641 using CSS Version: 9.4 and TI v18.12.1.LTS compiler.

My clock is initialized as 20MHz for MCLK, 10 MHz for SMCLK, and 32k for ACLK and they are all tested (I actually completed a graphical LCD driver based on SPI based on this clock which guarantees it is working properly) that's the code : void ADC_init(void) I'm not getting real value, actually I'm getting a ZERO! I don't care if we change reference to VCC, but I just wanted it to be connected to the ADC module 2.5 v reference.

Part Number: MSP430F5529 Hello, so I just want to read a value of a voltage on pin P6.5(A5) in a while loop with delay.